Does it sail?

I have never sailed a day in my life. I have never even been on a sailboat. I have been in canoes, rowboats, paddle boats, motor boats, even several warships but never a sailboat.
So before I tried my first sail I tried to prepare by watching YouTube videos of course.
I took the boat out and raised the sail and it went ridiculously wrong. I really did not know what I was doing. The main sheet (rope controlling sail) was pulled out of my hand, the tiller was let go and went in the water and when the boom swung around fast when i tacked or gybed it scared the hell out of me. 
I did however have a moment after a few hours and you can see the results below.

rigging the sail to the boom and yard

I did a test rigging in a freinds driveway before I even took it to the lake.
