The Gunnels

My wife has been away the past two months. She has been gallivanting around Greece and Italy the whole time. Actually it hard to imagine her gallivanting. It was more like living and working there. So she return the other day. "This is my boat!" I said proudly. "Wow its really big!" Oh course she knew I was buying the kit but this is the first she saw it.

The Gunnels. These are also known as gunwales, outwales, rubrails or just rails. Basically they act as bumpers against docks or other objects. they also add a certain amount of strength to the hull.
In order to bend the wood the lenghth of the boat they have to be done in two strip laminations. One strip one side, one strip the other. Then back again one more strip one side, one more strip the other until you have a healthy wide gunnel.

Of course you might notice this requires a hell of a lot of clamps! So my solution, which I got off of youtube, was to make my own. I took a 10 foot piece of 4 inch PVC pipe, the kind used for a sewer pipe, and sliced it into 2 1/2 inch pieces. Then make a cut across it and voila! a spring clamp. 

Finally a cleanup of the many drip of epoxy to get ready for fiber-glassing.
